This differs from the old system, where there was a separate "voltage." (In the current system, voltage and EU/t are the same thing.) Machines and cables will explode if they are exposed to too much EU/t. Therefore, under no lag conditions, the rate of EU/sec is 20x EU/t. Minecraft normally operates at about 20 ticks per second, unless you are experiencing server lag. EU/t transfer can also be observed by the rate of change in EU capacity displayed by storage devices like the batbox. It will also begin a new measurement on the same cable. Clicking the same cable again will display the averagely measured EU/t and over how many ticks the measurement took place. If clicked once on a cable it will begin measurement. To measure the average EU/t transferred through a wire over time an EU-Reader can be used. It is a derived unit of energy over time, a rate of EU consumption or production, similar to the SI derived unit Watt. Raw EU values are used to measure capacity of energy storage items or blocks.ĮU/t means Energy unit per tick.

Some machines allow a lever to be mounted directly on its block. EUs are 'produced' by generators, stored by mobile units like an RE Battery or by stationary units like a batbox, transmitted along cables, and 'consumed' by ICs various machines.ĮU stored in items or devices does not leak over time.ĮU is not related to Redstone current, but multiple machines can be affected by redstone currents, and a Detector Cable produces redstone current if there is any EU passing through it. It is most similar to the SI derived unit Joule.

EU - Energy Unit is the measure of energy used by IC.